
Arreola Naturopathic

- Holistic Gut Health & Clinical Nutrition - Preventative Integrative Health Care - Weight Neutral Provider

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How to beat seasonal allergies, naturally!

Happy Wednesday, Reader! We are just a few weeks from Summer and we are STILL dealing with the dreaded seasonal allergies that have been plaguing us all Spring long 😮💨 Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people do and although the weather is nicer during this time of year (unless you are in So-Cal 🙄☁️), many people actually avoid going outdoors in hopes to avoid the incessant sneezing, itchy eyes, and runny noses. Especially because in order to do so...

Happy Wednesday, Reader! So listen, I've been hearing from many people that they want to get healthier but they don't know where to start because the whole process just feels so overwhelming and I totally get it. But I want to remind you that it doesn't have to be this big complicated thing. Small changes lead to big results, so don't be afraid to start with baby steps. You don’t need to join a fancy gym, purchase a pricey training package or start drinking celery juice every morning to...

Happy Monday, Reader! Let's talk about: So listen, I've been hearing from many people that they want to get healthier but they don't know where to start because the whole process just feels so overwhelming and I totally get it. But I want to remind you that it doesn't have to be this big complicated thing. Small changes lead to big results, so don't be afraid to start with baby steps. You don’t need to join a fancy gym, purchase a pricey training package or start drinking celery juice every...

Happy Monday, Reader! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 This term is constantly being tossed around and last week, a patient asked me "what does it actually mean when you or another doctor says I have inflammation?". I then did a poll on my Instagram stories to see how many others weren't quite sure what this mean and turns out, a lot of people know it's not good, but not much past that. So let's talk about it! WHAT IS INFLAMMATION? IS IT ALWAYS BAD? At its core, inflammation is actually a defense mechanism your body has...

Happy Monday and Happy Spring, Reader! Ahh, we've finally made it out of winter and into 🌸SPRING🌸! This means we can prepare for April showers ☔️ that will bring May flowers 🌷...and the dreaded seasonal allergies that come along with that 😮💨. Reader, do you suffer from seasonal allergies? If so, you're not alone. Millions of people do and although the weather is nicer during this time of year, many people actually avoid going outdoors in hopes to avoid the incessant sneezing, itchy eyes, and...

Happy Tuesday, Reader! Let's talk about one of my favorite topics: SLEEP. Let's face it Reader, as much as we all may love the idea of an extra hour of sunlight, adjusting to waking up an hour earlier is just no fun. It seems as though everyone is struggling with their sleep around this time of year, so I thought now would be a perfect time to bring this subject up. Whether it's due to daylight savings time or if you always have had a little trouble sleeping, keep reading to learn more about...

Happy Monday, Reader! This week's topic is: I want to start by reminding my readers that not all cholesterol is bad. Did you know that certain forms of cholesterol are necessary for your body to properly build certain cells, vitamins, and hormones?! Yup, it's true. So let's start from the beginning and talk about what cholesterol is, the different types, which are good and bad, where we want our levels, and so on. Ready, Reader? Let's go! What is cholesterol, anyway? Cholesterol is a waxy...

Happy Monday, Reader! Let's talk about why you should... When I say eat the rainbow, I am sadly not referring to Skittles lol. I am talking about the naturally rich rainbow we find in all the different fruits and vegetables that are (hopefully) stocked in our kitchens. From the vibrant red peppers to the forest green broccoli and the rich purple we see in eggplant and grapes, these colors aren’t just for looks, they provide us with key information about their health benefits. Generally...

Happy Tuesday, Reader! This week's topic is all about SKIN.⠀⠀ When it comes to tackling skin issues, most of us seek quick fixes, such as creams and ointments that claim to clear our skin faster than we know it can. But in reality, those types of treatments should be left as a last resort. The subject of today's email asked what your skin issues & gardening have in common, do you know the answer? Read on to find out! Why are quick fixes not the solution? Because the health of our skin is not...

Happy Tuesday, Reader! I know that I'm a day late, but I hope your Valentine's Day was enjoyable and that your week is off to a fabulous start! 🙂 Did you know that February is Heart Health Awareness Month? So today I wanted to share some knowledge related to heart health as well as some easy-to-do tips to make sure YOUR heart is in it's best shape possible! First, let's talk about why any of this matters in the first place: DID YOU KNOW? Heart disease kills more people than all forms of...